Despite having lived my entire life in Lake County, I had never taken the time to visit the Great Lakes Naval Base. I had driven by it a few times and gaped at the huge buildings behind the heavily-guarded gate, but never found an opportunity to explore what lay inside. Recently, however, I was invited to attend one of the Naval graduation ceremonies, so I jumped on the chance to see what I had been missing out on all these years.

I arrived at the ceremony a little early and grabbed a seat towards the center. By the time things got rolling, however, the place was packed with friends and family members of those participating. The atmosphere was astounding – the ceiling was comprised of all 50 state flags, while American flags could be seen in every direction. You know that feeling you get when you hear a really good rendition of the national anthem… Those patriotic vibes that shoot through your body, making you feel proud to be an American? By the time the ceremony got started, that’s how I felt, only to a greater extent.
The ceremony was coordinated to perfection – each step, song, and even each gun twirl, were all executed perfectly. Graduates marched in strict patterns, some holding state flags, some holding American flags. Periodically, all action would halt, and a small group of graduates would sing a patriotic tune. At one point, a large group of graduates entered with their instruments, gathering together right in front of me to play a few more songs. Throughout the ceremony, graduates were recognized for their outstanding achievements during their experience at the Great Lakes Navy Base. Looking around, I could see the proud faces of many parents, some with tears in their eyes. By the time the presentation was over, friends and family rushed out of the stands to hug whoever they were there to support. Even though I wasn’t there to support a specific graduate, I couldn’t help but feel proud – It’s a comforting feeling to know that so many people have taken it upon themselves to help defend our great country. The ceremony was not only entertaining; it was also a true reminder of how lucky we are to live in America.
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This is an impressive training facility on the lake. I was not aware of its existence until I walked around Lake Michigan.
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