Now that it is starting to warm up and feel like spring, I love to be outdoors enjoying the weather. One of my favorite things to do is go for long walks, especially now after being cooped up indoors all winter. Last week I decided to meet a friend of mine at Independence Grove for a walk. We both have young daughters so we brought them along with their strollers to enjoy the walk too.

I’ve been to Independence Grove a few times in the past couple of years, I participated in several 5K races there. However, to be honest, I never really paid attention to my surroundings as I was always consumed with the race and registration process. This time, I had no reason to be there except to get some exercise, catch up with a friend and take in the scenery. Now that I was paying attention, I was amazed at just how pretty the area is.

Independence Grove has over six miles of preserve trails that encircle a big lake. We parked our cars and hopped right on a trail. We decided to take the Overlook Trail which is about a two and a half mile loop. This trail is paved which makes it easier with strollers. It is also great for biking or rollerblading too. As we began our walk, I was able to quickly forget that less than a mile down the road is a busy intersection. You feel as though you are far away from everyday traffic and congestion. The trail winds through the trees around the lake. Along the way there are little bridges taking you over the lake and maps pointing you in the right direction. I really enjoyed seeing all of the scenery, even though not everything is green yet and the flowers aren’t in full bloom, the preserve is so pretty and refreshing.

We noticed that on one part of the lake there were pedal boats parked on the side which looked fun. Out of curiosity, we checked into this to see about renting these for a future visit. We found out that during the summer you can rent the pedal boats as well as canoe’s, kayak’s and bikes too. I’m definitely planning to return this summer to try that out. There is a café and several large rooms you can rent out for events. There is also a large outdoor pavilion area that can be used for picnics or bigger get-togethers as well.
It took us about 35 minutes to complete the loop. When we finished walking we sat down on the grass and let the girls run around and play for a little while before getting back in our cars to head home. We all had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves. I am looking forward to returning to try some of the other trails and maybe even rent a pedal boat or kayak for a couple hours too. It’s nice that with all of the buildings and houses going up everywhere that there are still places like Independence Grove where you can enjoy the outdoors and nature.
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